Toques, hats, and scarves are textile items primarily designed to keep you warm. These practical items may have been used for millennia, but members of the Ponderosa Fibre Arts Guild know how to add pizzazz to practicality.
The display at the Rotary Centre features a range of creations, from the tried-and-true to the outrageous.  It provides the spinners, weavers, knitters, crocheters, and felters of the Guild a venue to showcase their skills in the ancient arts, as well as their passion for creative twists and innovation, all within the narrow range of headgear and scarves. But, as everyone who has visited the Guild’s popular Artisan Sale knows, guild members’ portfolios extend far beyond the making of winter wear.
Guild members love to share their skills. If you have taken part in a workshop or visited studio #204 during a meeting or event, you have experienced first-hand their passion for exchanging knowledge and ideas, and for promoting excellence in fibre arts.
For more information about the Ponderosa Fibre Arts Guild or to contact us go to or visit us at