Jun 22, 2021Cool Arts CollaborationIn 2021, artists from the Ponderosa Guild will partner with Cool Arts Society artists in a community weaving project. Community members,...
Jun 22, 2021Culture Days Live DemosParticipating in National Culture Days, the Guild offers live demonstrations of our Fibre Arts. Culture Days is a national celebration of...
Jun 22, 2021Grade 3 Education ProgramEach year from January to April, guild members host local school children at the studio. As part of our education program, Grade 3...
Jun 22, 2021Annual Spin InEvery April, over 60 spinners and vendors gather for a day long spinning event. More Guild Programs below...
Jun 22, 2021Annual Artisan SaleIn November of each year, the public is welcomed to our Annual Artisan Sale. Featuring arts and crafts from all fibre disciplines,...