Intro to Weaving on a 4-Shaft Loom
A two day introduction to multi-shaft weaving
Available spots
Workshop Details
An introduction to multi-shaft weaving. Join us and explore the weave structures you can create on a table loom! Students will learn how to wind a warp, then dress a 4-shaft table loom which will be used to weave 5 varieties of plain weave, 6 types of twill weave, and double weave. Three weaving samplers will be completed during the workshop. The 4-shaft table looms will be provided for use by each student as well as all other necessary equipment. 4/8 cotton weaving yarn will also be provided (colour choices may be limited). Concepts learned in this workshop will also be useful when weaving on a floor loom and, if time permits, students will be able to try weaving on one of the guild floor looms. Beginners welcome! Class will be taught by Loraine Farrow and Sandra Kenefick Date: January 18 and 25 Time: 10:00-4:OO both days Please bring a bagged lunch for both days Guild Members use Coupon Code FIBREART2021 at checkout for $10 off this workshop. Loraine: I have always been a maker with a special interest in anything fibre such as knitting, crocheting, sewing, quilting and felting. Having collected weaving books over the years I was very eager to to learn to weave. I joined the Guild in 2017, bought a floor loom and have immersed myself into the weaving world. The weaving explorations group at the guild, workshops through the guild and other on-line sources continue to nurture and encourage my enthusiasm for this wonderful fibre art. Sandra: I am a retired teacher and have been a maker since childhood. My creative interests are many and varied but the fibre arts have captured my attention in retirement. I joined the guild in 2018 to build my knowledge of all fibre arts and found a wonderful group of friends and creators in the weaving explorations group.
Dates & Times